Talking to Your Healthcare Clients About Reg. F

Talking to Your Healthcare Clients About Reg. F


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Published: 5/13/2021

As the January 29, 2022, Reg F compliance deadline approaches, some unique implementation issues arise in healthcare. In this session join George Buck, John Rossman and Leslie Bender for a practical look at how to frame a conversation with your healthcare clients about important topics including these:
1. Digital communications. What digital communications preferences, data and consents are your healthcare clients capturing at point of service that they can now pass along to you;
2. Information sharing and account assignment(s) for collections. What permissions to share information related to a medical debt is your healthcare client obtaining and passing along to you for your records;
3. Itemization date. What data or information will drive any changes to your placement date to assure you have the right information in your collection system to calculate and verify that “itemization date” you choose to use in your collection notice; and
4. HIPAA business associate agreements (not strictly a Reg F issue). Due to recent court decisions, when was the last time you assured you have valid business associate agreements in place with all your healthcare clients AND with any of your vendors?


  • Leslie BenderSenior Counsel, Clark Hill PLC

  • George BuckAMR Consultant

  • John RossmanAttorney at Law, Moss & Barnett